We all use the law of attraction ~ all day, everyday ~ the easiest way to remember is: Like attracts like. What we really want is to use this force to create our dreams and attract our desires. Think of yourself as a magnet ~ Your thoughts and feelings attract not only more of similar thoughts and feelings but also people and events of a similar vibration. Imagination is at the start of all creation, it is a literally a preview of life’s attractions (Einstein). What we believe to be true is exactly what will be true for us. We get in life what we focus upon. So focus upon that which makes you feel good and that which you desire.
Your imagination, thoughts, feelings and beliefs make up your individual version of reality. The life you have today is because of the imagination, thoughts, feelings and beliefs you held just a short time ago ~ or some you’ve held for a long time. These can be very helpful but many hinder us.
Despite the past, despite any circumstances you were born into or felt you didn’t have a choice in ~ once you ‘awaken’, you are free to choose consciously your thoughts, feelings and take full control and responsibility of the direction of your life. In this life we can live like this: 1) We can choose to take part in only a minimal way (semi-unconscious living), choosing only what is necessary, minimizing failure but risking being swept along by life or pushed around. 2) We can become pawns in someone else grand scheme and their reality or 3) We can steer our own ship ~ we take full responsibility for our own lives from this point onwards and make conscious decisions, update our belief systems to be in line with the life we desire and go boldly in the direction of our dreams and goals. So let’s get going!
Step 1 ~ Clarity of your dream, goal or desire ~ Gemstone (Opalite /Moonstone ~white/iridescent)
Write down and answer these questions: What do I want? When do I want it by? How will I feel when I have this? The Opal Moonstone Guru bead is a reminder of your goal. Replace the thought or worry ‘I don’t know how…’ with ‘The how will be shown’. Apart from worrying about the ‘how’ it will manifest, does this goal feel right for you? ~ For now you just need clarity of your desire. Write your goal in a positive context ~ we can’t attract something ‘gone’ only more of something. Get specific, for example ~ if your goal is more money, how would you ideally like to receive it? Whenever you feel your mind wandering at first, bring your attention back to the 3 questions above. What do I want? When do I want it by? How will I feel when I’ve got it?
Step 2 ~ Free your mind of limitations ~ Gemstone (Aqua Aura Crystal ~ blue)
Acknowledge your fears, doubts and insecurities and rise above them, the Aqua Aura Crystal serves as reminder in times of panic that this is actually an opportunity to grow ~ Yes I can, Yes I can, Yes I can! Thank your fear, it is probably just trying to protect you from change, the unknown or failure ~ But on the other side of fear lies success.
Step 3 ~Abundance ~Gemstone (Citrine ~ yellow/orange)
The easiest way out of any feeling of lack and straight into the feeling of abundance is to write a grateful list of things you already have, this is an exact vibrational match to the feeling of abundance and will attract more ‘abundance’. Give thanks if possible to the people who made these things you have possible and also to any work you have already done yourself to bring them to you. Write afterwards ‘I am so happy and grateful now that I have……’ and write in present tense as if you have already achieved your goal or desire. Learn to ‘think’ like your future self, who has what it is you desire now, confident about your power to create.
Step 4 ~ Alignment ~ Gemstone (Aventurine ~ Green)
Write and say to yourself often affirmations for the following ‘I believe I can…’ and ‘I am…’ Your belief system may continually need to be updated to align with what you desire. For example ‘I am wealthy’ or ‘I believe I will fall in love’. Repeat daily, your beliefs about your goal will determine if it will manifest. Meditate and use your imagination to visualise a point in the future where you have what it is you desire. Use all of the senses in your visualisation: What can you see? Where are you? Who is there? What can you hear? What can you taste? What can you feel? How do you feel? Spend time making this feel as real as possible. Give it colour. Then use this visualisation technique again and imagine an event even further into the future, a situation that can only happen if your goal has already been achieved, ask the same questions to yourself. Make or draw yourself a vision board connected to your desire. Surround yourself with images that are connected to your goal and think of yourself as a magnet attracting these things to you.
Step 5 ~ Intuition & Synchronicities ~ Gemstone (Amethyst ~ Purple)
Your intuition is one of your most powerful assets in life. You are going to use this to steer you and learn how to feel your way into using the law of attraction to benefit you. It will let you know EVERYTHING but you need to learn to use it and trust yourself regularly. You are going to use your intuition to guide you and to acknowledge ‘inspired action’. When your mind is calm you can receive ‘Inspired action’ connected to your goal, the flashes of light, the ideas, the need to make plans or lists, the feelings that something is ‘right’, that the time is ‘right’. ‘Inspired action’ feels just like it sounds ‘Inspired’ and uplifting, positive, exciting and ‘right’. You want to do it, it feels easy and enjoyable and you have energy to do it. Keep your eyes and ears open for cues to take ‘Inspired action’. Write or take note of the many synchronicities that appear when you are on the right path, the people you meet, the opportunities, the ‘meaningful coincidences’ that arise.
Step 6 ~ Bliss & Joy ~ Gemstone (Magnetic Rainbow Hematite)
When you are clear about your goal and feeling aligned with your desires, having ‘fun’ is never a waste of time. Your joy is a vital part of using the law of attraction! When you do the things that you enjoy and that make you feel good, from teeny, tiny things to larger events ~ you are aligned with the way you believe you will feel after you have achieved your goal or desire. You are like a magnet, attracting more positive, uplifting, energising, beautiful feelings and events to you. Think about your goal and desire at these moments when you are filled with joy, love and bliss ~ notice how it is possible and the fears slip away. You are in charge of your joy and bliss ~ from a cup of tea, laughter with friends, to travel and enjoying sunshine or nature…whatever brings YOU joy! Do more of this. Make it your dominant intention to find the joy in each moment.
Let go of any ‘attachment’ to your desire. Set it free into the universe and learn to trust yourself that you are a master creator in your personal version of reality ~ and that you are adaptable to change, your original desire or intention may be a stepping stone to something else or lead to realisations that you actually want something different, just similar. The ‘attachment’ to desire, however, may cause feelings of lack, desperation or sadness and can only bring you more of the same feelings. Instead we must believe that what we want is possible and align ourselves with the positive feelings of having it now.
I truly believe that we are far more powerful beyond our current collective beliefs, if there are things you want to do with your life then there is nothing stopping you, only your beliefs and what you choose to focus on. You can be in complete control of your thoughts and feelings, regardless of situations and learn to attract what it is you desire by focusing on what you desire, releasing and acknowledging fear, updating your belief system, matching your thoughts and feelings to that vibration, listening very closely to your intuition ~ your inner guidance system and moving in to joy and bliss.
The Law of Attraction bracelet is continuous, a circle. It is designed not so that you can ‘perfect’ using the Law of Attraction the first go round, it is designed to keep you on track and so you can practice getting 'into the vortex' ~ and the more you use it, the better you will become at creating . It is a tool ~ a valuable tool that serves as a reminder when starting out in becoming master creators and will help you learn how to feel your way into playing this ‘game’. It may help you highlight which part could be holding you back and needs some work and to also give you confidence when you start to put this into practice on a daily basis. Start small and when your confidence grows move towards your larger goals and dreams. The sky is the limit! Much love and good luck!! Xxx Sarah
the full ebook and meditations are to follow, along with an LAO prequel ~ how to find out what you want and direction x
Through depression I experienced an ‘awakening’ that led me to explore spirituality, psychology and the metaphysical. I want to help other people through this painful process and eventuality open a retreat to bring people together on their healing journey.
I also create Gemstone ‘frequency’ jewellery for: The Law of Attraction, Chakra healing, Yoga, and Spiritual growth. Find out more here: www.lovebeyondthemoon.etsy.com
I showcase new designs on my Facebook page first www.facebook.com/lovebeyondthemoon and also do regular Giveaways and promotions.
See you there!
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Pssst! I just added a 'follow by email' gadget to the top right of this blog, if you like what I write you can subscribe and be notified when I post a new blog! Blessings, Sarah xx