Tuesday, 1 September 2015

7 ways to heal the Heart Chakra

7 ways to heal the Heart Chakra

How do you know if your Heart Chakra is blocked?

The Heart Chakra is the green energy centre in the middle of your chest.

In Sanskrit it is called Anahata - and its translation is 'unstuck, unbroken and unbeaten'.
If your Heart Chakra is blocked you may likely feel the heaviness in your chest. Like you are carrying a weight.

The Heart Chakra becomes blocked mostly through grief, loss, betrayal and hate.
Commonly at the end of a painful relationship or the loss of a loved one. Where at the time it literally felt like our hearts were breaking.

This is a traumatic experience yet we are all likely to feel this at various points in our lives.

It can also become blocked through anger, resentment & envy - as well as tuning out of or turning away from our emotions - because they were too painful to deal with.

Here are just a few ways to help heal the Heart Chakra:

1) Meditation, especially mindfulness meditation, helps to open, heal and balance the Heart Chakra because it teaches us 'Acceptance'.

We can finally accept what is, without needing it to be different.
Even when very painful, if we can accept it, even for a few moments at a time, we can start to heal in a healthier way than just trying to force ourselves to 'move on' or 'get over it'.

Grief - the end of - or loss of and mourning of something, or someone, is a process. It can't be rushed but must be fully felt to be able to move through something.
It isn't easy but denying the pain can feel much worse.

If you can sit with the pain, without the head chatter, in meditation - after a while comes the relief of acceptance - and the knowing that you can endure it without being afraid of it.

Where as running from the pain is traumatic, because it resurfaces over and over again trying to reintegrate.

It isn't an easy process at all but an entire journey. In our society we often do not allow ourselves to mourn properly, fearing it will consume us or is seen as wallowing.

Mindfulness is now being taught in many schools and we may see many changes in emotional intelligence in our future generations because of it.

Repressed emotions are exactly that: repressed - they don't go away, they resurface again and again until they can intergrate - without proper emotional education, many of us are left feeling at the mercy of and out of control of our own emotions - and so our lives.

It doesn't have to be this way.

Other ways to heal the Heart Chakra:

2) Slowly, at your own pace - open your heart again to trust. We don't have to unguardedly trust everyone and everything, not at all - it is a process of just opening up little by little - and using our intuition moment by moment.

Ask for the right people to be sent to you if you need help overcoming the fear of trust again.

If you've been betrayed or suffered a loss, the people who can come into your life to help heal and learn to trust again don't have to be of a similar relationship - it could be a colleague, business partner, friend, romantic partner or family member that is the next step in trust.

3) Practice forgiveness in meditation for just 5 mins a day.

Forgiveness is a powerful emotion and high up the energetic scale, higher up than acceptance - so try to reach acceptance first if you are having trouble with getting near the feeling of forgiveness.

It really is true that you are forgiving for YOU, it is you that will feel the huge benefits - but it takes practice, repetition, if you work at it daily it will happen, just give it time.

You can practice saying 'I forgive you. And I hope you forgive me too' in meditation. Don't overthink it - and strike the word 'deserve' from the procedure, you are doing it for you, not them, and the peace you will feel will be worth it all.

As with acceptance, don't rush it. Be patient and gentle with yourself.

4) Connection. Whatever helps you feel 'connected' is hugely healing for your Heart Chakra.

Whether this is with animals, children, nature, family friends, certain classes you attend or online support groups.

Even what you are passionate about - for example, art - can help us to feel connected in our love for something.

5) Yoga.

Yoga connects the mind, body & soul in one of the most profound, easiest and best loved ways.

Yoga in itself is healing and a meditative, mindful practice that can bring you in tune with your body, intergrating emotions, in an enjoyable way!

Many people 'find' yoga during painful episodes in their life and become yoga junkies because of the tranformative experience.

Yoga is not really all about the Asanas (poses) so don't worry about flexibility so much, it is much more about the mind-body connection and breathing, if you find a good teacher they will explain not to worry about perfect technique!

6) Practice self-love.

 To open up and heal the Heart Chakra - show yourself a lot of love and care. A lot of attention, pampering, give yourself 'your' time. Show yourself you are worth it.
What things do you enjoy? What makes you feel good?

Eating nourishing healthy food is self-love, taking a walk is self-love, having enough rest and relaxation is self-love, saying no to people and learning to not feel guilty about it - is self-love.

Valuing your time, your opinion, your body and your mind - is self-love. It is an incredibly rewarding relationship and the only one you have complete control over!
You can determine your level of happiness at all times in this relationship!

7) Crystal therapy and Reiki.

 Place tumblestones on or near the Heart Chakra, carry them with you - or wear in jewellery.

Crystals carry high, positive vibrations - frequencies that we can entrain with.
Since ancient times certain Crystals have been said to carry specific vibrations which match a balanced and activated Heart Chakra.

Mostly Green and sometimes pink, a few Crystals I use are:




& Rose Quartz.
Self Love & Healing ANAHATA ~ Heart CHAKRA Gemstone charm Bracelet with Rose Quartz, Aventurine, Amazonite, Rhodochrosite and Aquamarine
Reiki is an ancient art practiced by many energy workers healers throughout the world.

Many Reiki healers can also send distant healing - there are even groups on Facebook where they offer this service for free, there are beautiful souls out there dedicated to raising the collective vibration and consciousness of humanity.

This doesn't mean that I don't think energy healers should be paid - because I absolutely do - they are providing time and a service that is important - and we live at this moment in a monetary society, where we have decided that (for now) we will exchange time or services, for money.

But if for any reason you are low on funds and in pain, I just wanted to let you know there are other options if you need them.

There are people out there who want to help.

So you can also find an energy healer to work with you, perhaps a local holistic clinic, recommendation or even at a 'mind, body, soul' event - but you can also use this universal energy to heal yourself or ask a friend/someone you trust.

You can practice imagining the Crown Chakra opening and a stream of silver or white light entering through your head, moving down to the palms of your hands.

Then direct the universal/source energy over your heart centre and say that you allow this energy to flow through and into you, to heal, for your highest good.

You may feel some tingling or change of temperature in your hands - or nothing at all - but that doesn't mean it isn't working, just give it time.

You might even find you have a skill - and find a new interest you can pursue in energy healing practices.

There are a few other techniques such as sound therapy, binaural beats, singing bowls, drumming...practising compassion, volunteering, gardening...but I just wanted to share a few major healing practices that have worked for me.

Much love everyone and I hope you enjoyed this article. If you have anything to add please do! Blessings, Sarah

Hi everyone! Thank you for reading. I’m Sarah Cooper and my passions are in: Higher consciousness, self-love, personal growth, 'mind hacks', philosophy, addictions, mental-health, spirituality, Law of Attraction & emotional healing.

Through depression I experienced an ‘awakening’ that led me to explore spirituality, psychology and the metaphysical. I want to help other people through this painful process and open a retreat to bring people together on their healing journey.

I also create Gemstone ‘frequency’ jewellery for: The Law of Attraction, Chakra healing, Yoga, and Spiritual growth. Find out more here: www.lovebeyondthemoon.etsy.com

I showcase new designs on my Facebook page first www.facebook.com/lovebeyondthemoon and also do regular Giveaways and promotions.

See you there!


Pssst! I just added a 'follow by email' gadget to the top right of this blog, if you like what I write you can subscribe and be notified when I post a new blog! Blessings, Sarah xx

3 Powerful Gemstones I use for depression and why

3 Powerful Gemstones I use for depression and why.

1) Rose Quartz

The stone of Pure Love
Unconditional love, self-love...the vibration of Pure unconditional love is one of the highest frequencies we can entrain with, it lifts our spirits and reconnects us with the essence of life itself.

2) Lilac Jade

This stunning Gem I use for 'Hope'. One of the major emotions we feel with depression is 'hopelessness' - so I counteract this and help to heal with the powerful vibration and emotion 'hope'.

3) Rainbow Hematite

The frequency of Rainbow Hematite is 'abundant joy' and 'bliss' - some of the highest frequencies here on earth, when wearing or carrying Rainbow Hematite we can allow ourselves to entrain with this higher energetic vibration. It also helps that Rainbow Hematite is stunningly beautiful. Just looking at this Gem can lift our spirits and remind us of the rainbow after the rain.

Gemstone bracelet design 'Joy, Love, Bliss'

Raising Your Vibration JOY, LOVE and Bliss ~ Crystal Gemstone butterfly bracelet with Rose Quartz, Lilac Jade and Rainbow Magnetic Hematite

Teamed with butterflies, hearts & flowers. ~ £20 or approx. $30 ~ can be bought individually or part of a special offer for further discount.

click the link below to view


Joy & LOVE bracelet with Rainbow Hematite gemstones, Rose Quartz, silver 'Believe' Charm and Butterfly Charm
View here: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/169722752/beat-depression-joy-love-bracelet-with?ref=shop_home_active_3

All Gemstones lift your vibration but these 3 are my favourite to work with for depression, which is why I have incorporated into these 2 designs.

Hi everyone! Thank you for reading. I’m Sarah Cooper and my passions are in: Higher consciousness, self-love, personal growth, 'mind hacks', philosophy, addictions, mental-health, spirituality, Law of Attraction & emotional healing.

Through depression I experienced an ‘awakening’ that led me to explore spirituality, psychology and the metaphysical. I want to help other people through this painful process and open a retreat to bring people together on their healing journey.

I also create Gemstone ‘frequency’ jewellery for: The Law of Attraction, Chakra healing, Yoga, and Spiritual growth. Find out more here: www.lovebeyondthemoon.etsy.com

I showcase new designs on my Facebook page first www.facebook.com/lovebeyondthemoon and also do regular Giveaways and promotions.

See you there!


Pssst! I just added a 'follow by email' gadget to the top right of this blog, if you like what I write you can subscribe and be notified when I post a new blog! Blessings, Sarah xx

After the 'Supermoon' on Saturday 29th August 2016 ~ Now what? The effects and how to deal with it.

After the 'Supermoon' on Saturday 29th August 2016.
Now what? The effects.

Manifesting . Working with the cycles . Clarity .

The moon cycles can be used for manifesting in these ways.

1) When the New Moon (basically 'no moon' in the sky) is here - this is the time for casting intentions. What we want to happen, putting our dreams out into the world and releasing them.

2) Then there is approximately 2 weeks of 'lining up' as we approach the Full Moon. In this period of time we are learning to drop resistance and come into alignment with our highest good and our desires. This is when we look out for 'inspired action' and 'synchronicities'. Talk to the people you need to, take some steps in the direction of your desires.

3) The Full Moon is here. This is party time. Many full moon parties go on around the world as it is a time of high energy and an opportunity to step into alignment quickly with the energy of the Full Moon. Super moons especially are particularly charged - and we can tap into that energy to bring forth our desires into rapid manifestation.
We just had our 'Super Full Moon' on Saturday 29th August.

4) After the full moon, is approximately 2 weeks of contrast and clarity as we come round to completing the cycle again - so that by the time the 'New Moon' is here - we have learnt what our new desires are - so we can set them as intentions by the New Moon.

It is this period of time I want to talk about - because this time is now, or coming up shortly, after the Full Moon we can feel especially charged and chaotic - and sometimes in a state of confusion whilst we gain clarity for our new intentions.
There can also be a dip after the 'high' of the Full Moon - and we can feel especially emotional - things come to the surface and may be distressing mentally because in order to find clarity of our desires, we may have to experience contrast, the opposite of what we want.

So if you feel out of sorts after the Full Moon don't worry. If we start to feel emotional and negative, it isn't that we've lost our way or things aren't going our way. We're not off track. It is just that chaos mentally and emotionally, will give rise to what we really want in life.

Here are a few things that may help:

1) Just remember that nothing needs to be 'fixed' immediately. The trick is not to get wrapped up in major decisions or play into 'all or nothing' way of thinking.
Practicing mindfulness for 2 weeks will be hugely beneficial. Tell yourself that you can have 2 weeks to just be the 'observer' of your thoughts, feelings, actions, experiences and relationships.

2) If your mind feels like it is trying to get you to make major decisions, right now, from disagreements or if you feel like you're really unhappy with something.
You can literally just say thank you but you're going to 'benchmark' that issue until the New Moon is here - make a note on paper if you wish but allow yourself to revisit this issue on a particular date - the New Moon, when you are feeling calmer, less emotional - and when you should have more clarity.

That this is a learning period. At the end of the 2 weeks, if you wish - you can sit down with a piece of paper and write down 'what have I learnt over the last 2 weeks'.

3) On the New Moon - and the next New Moon is Saturday 12th September - do whatever you need to help you relax. Take a bath with essential oils, meditate, get a massage, arrange some time for yourself - or with supportive people. And then revisit some of the issues on your list, from a calmer place - and see what they are telling you about your life.

Do you want more peace, less stress, more time for yourself, stronger relationships, a more rewarding job....better finances or more in order, a holiday, freedom or more control over your time?

What is it the last 2 weeks have shown you?

Then write down your desires and release them into the world.
In this way, we can let ourselves off making decisions in panic mode in the 2 weeks of time between the Full Moon and the New Moon.

Desires often come from experiencing contrast and often life is full of dramas, disagreements and times when it feels like everything is going wrong. We can feel ill - physically, emotionally and mentally.

We don't have to make immediate life changing decisions because we feel stressed in that moment.

4) Let yourself off the hook, accept the chaos and imperfection of life, accept whatever emotions come up and don't try to shun them.
Be mindful and practise patience. Practise waking meditation, to be the observer and to be present, whatever the conditions.

Your mind and the ego will tell you things have to be dealt with NOW. This second - and you can waste precious amounts of life trying to fix the future and playing out endless scenarios.

Just remember that the mind is a tool, so we can navigate the world. We can use it to dream, to imagine, to organise and to problem solve. We can also choose when we decide to do this. We ARE in charge.

The ego is a construct so we can use our awareness of our individual selves, to experience life and expansion. But it came at a price. The ego isn't eternal, like we are.
So when we feel the pressures of time - the past keeps coming up, the future must be made absolutely certain for our safety and security...this is because the ego wants to keep the 'physical you' safe - so it can keep itself safe.

When your physical body dies one day, so will the ego. You, however, are an eternal being. To get in touch with the eternal, spiritual you, practise being absorbed, fully, in the moment.

So the ego is also a tool - it has its uses and its disadvantages. We can use it as a tool so we learn much about ourselves as individuals - but we don't have to let it take over.
5) So say thanks to your mind and thanks to your ego - and thanks to all your emotions. They help you navigate this world. But we don't have to be a slave to them or against them.

Say no thanks to stress and worries and panic and insecurities and dramas. You're in charge.

They're the waves and you're the entire ocean - or they're the clouds and you're the whole sky. Ride the waves, let the clouds float on by. You'll still be there. The storm isn't going to last forever, it just feels it is. Afterwards comes peace. And rainbows. And New Moons!

Everything else is just weather. But you are 'IT'.

6) Just allow the next 2 weeks to just 'happen'. You'll know if anything is really urgent or if you are just feeling stressed/panic/emotional.

It may help to label things as they come up - and then move them to one side 'angry', 'stressed', 'tired', 'overwhelmed', 'rushed' or 'issues with work', 'problem with a friends words/actions'. Write them down if you need to.

Give yourself a little break and we'll look at this again in 2 weeks.
The New Moon is Saturday 12th September.

I'll post some casting spells and rituals for this New Moon if you like guys!
Blessings, Sarah ♡♡♡

Hi everyone! Thank you for reading. I’m Sarah Cooper and my passions are in: Higher consciousness, self-love, personal growth, 'mind hacks', philosophy, addictions, mental-health, spirituality, Law of Attraction & emotional healing.
Through depression I experienced an ‘awakening’ that led me to explore spirituality, psychology and the metaphysical. I want to help other people through this painful process and open a retreat to bring people together on their healing journey.

I also create Gemstone ‘frequency’ jewellery for: The Law of Attraction, Chakra healing, Yoga, and Spiritual growth. Find out more here: www.lovebeyondthemoon.etsy.com

I showcase new designs on my Facebook page first www.facebook.com/lovebeyondthemoon and also do regular Giveaways and promotions.

See you there!
