Sunday, 27 March 2016

Mental Wellness Gemstone Bracelet set of 3 at a Discount ~ Beat Depression, Anti-Anxiety, Anti-Stress / Inner Calm

This is the Mental Wellness set - Beat Depression, Anti-Stress & Anti-Anxiety.
Feelings, emotions and stresses of the mind are what I specialise in - because back in 2012 my emotional body was screaming and my mind/thoughts causing me so much pain, along with a nervous system on constant high-alert.

Gemstone bracelets are a fabulous tool, not only to raise your energetic frequency to the pure, high vibration of the stone - but to help your mind focus in the right direction. When you put a bracelet on with the intention of overcoming depression, you are telling your mind that you would instead prefer to feel the emotions Love & Joy - you have commanded your brain to go in a different direction. This is NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) and it's extremely powerful.

I didn't just use Gemstone bracelets to get well again after a complete breakdown - I used a variety of tools including mindfulness and meditation - the bracelets were an extra tool to help and remind me on my journey.

So this is why I created Love Beyond the Moon, so other people can have these powerful tools with them on their journey - and I think we all go through dark times, where we feel shattered into a million pieces and are scambling around trying to find ourselves and put ourselves back together again.

So emotional and mental wellness is definitely 'my thing' - it's close to my heart and i'm passionate about helping people get to the feeling place they would prefer to be.
I created so many different frequencies as I tried to put myself back together again - so each blend is not just a 'nice idea' it was something I used to help me at a specific time in my life.

Thankfully I'm now well and happy - it has been an entire journey into wellness and has completely changed my life - and what I now want my future to look like - is so wildly different to 5-6 years ago. I don't know if I could say all the pain was worth it - I would say it just 'Is' or just 'was' and that we are here to learn and to experience - but that the trouble is we get stuck in patterns and habits and we need to show each other the way out from this, it all really opened my eyes to the horrors of society and how much we need to focus on connectedness and compassion, rather than individualism and greed - which sadly is very much promoted at this moment in this time frown emoticon

Wherever you are in your life, if it is a sad, depressed and lonely time - it is not where you are going to stay - it is just how you will find your own journey into wellness, we want to rush it and find answers and help others - it will all come! We are lightworkers and we will find our own ways of shining the light on ourselves first. Don't worry it's all coming - time in the dark is horrific, no doubt about it - but we all climb out of it stronger and with tools we have learnt. Later we will pass this information and compassion onto others - but your own self-care and self-love is so very important.

Anyway I will wrap up this waffly waffle - and get back to creating this Mental Wellness set - the set of 3 together will be £10 off the price of buying them individually - and now the information/affirmation cards come with them too ♡♡
Have a lovely Easter xx Sarah xx

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