Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Why would I need to heal or balance my Root Chakra?

Why would I need to heal or balance my Root Chakra?

The Root Chakra, known as Muladhara in Sanskrit - is the red energy centre located at the base of the spine, pelvic area and is literally your Root - connecting you to mother earth.

This centre is unbalanced when we feel a lot of Fear, if we are scared a lot - especially in relation to our feelings of security and safety.

It is out of balance when we are feeling very disconnected from life, feeling lost, depressed, unsupported, lonely, and depleted or exhausted.

Feeling like this, we have lost a lot of faith in the ability of this life and this earth, to support us.

When activated and balanced - a healthy, balanced Root Chakra will have you feeling:
Protected, secure, safe, a sense of belonging, connection - to the earth and others, wealthy, grounded and confident, in good vitality, vibrant and physically energised.

Quick meditation
To activate and heal the Root Chakra close your eyes and visualise a stream of light from your Root, down through your legs and out through your feet.
Have it reach down into the earth below you and through the soil...imagine you are literally growing roots as they go deeper and deeper into the earth.
As they go deeper down into the earth they are stabilising you and providing the security, the energy, and connection.

Mother Earth sustains you and feeds you, like an child in the womb, she is nourishing you and providing protection.

Some useful Crystals for the Root Chakra
These are often Red, Dark red or Black/Brown:


 Black Tourmaline
 Tiger's eye
 Red Jasper
 Smoky Quartz

Carry tumblestones with you, place them on the body over the energy centre, meditate with them - or wear the stones in jewellery.

Root Chakra Symbol:
The Tree of Life

To release and heal (if applicable):
I release my fears
I release separation
I release feeling lost
I release depletion
I release exhaustion
I release hopelessness
I release loneliness

To activate and balance:
I know I belong
I have physical energy; I'm vibrant and healthy
I am safe
I am secure
I am protected
I have wealth and abundance
I am connected to this earth
And to all others
We are one

Nature is also a fabulous healer for the Root Chakra - time around animals and plant life, gardening, stones, water and fresh air no matter the weather will always lift, energise and help to heal.

There is much to learn from plant-life and trees - they are not in a state of stress or resistance, they are flexible and they adapt - yet marvel at the beauty, grace and strength of a redwood and all the life it supports on it's glorious journey.
When you are out in nature you can say "I allow myself to entrain with the pure positive energy of nature and life itself"

And allow the non-resistant, high vibration, pure energy of the plant-life, water, sun or air to lift you into it's higher frequency.

Another fabulous activity is 'earthing' - walking barefoot outside - on the grass, sand or stone - allowing the earth energy to come up through your bare feet, and fully feeling the ground beneath them, it brings a beautiful feeling of connection with the planet and life-force.

Blessings to you, Sarah

My Root Chakra Gemstone Bracelet design ~ Available here, for a limited time:

Hi everyone! Thank you for reading. I’m Sarah Cooper and my passions are in: Higher consciousness, self-love, personal growth, 'mind hacks', philosophy, addictions, mental-health, spirituality, Law of Attraction & emotional healing.

Through depression I experienced an ‘awakening’ that led me to explore spirituality, psychology and the metaphysical. I want to help other people through this painful process and open a retreat to bring people together on their healing journey.

I also create Gemstone ‘frequency’ jewellery for: The Law of Attraction, Chakra healing, Yoga, and Spiritual growth. Find out more here:

I showcase new designs on my Facebook page first and also do regular Giveaways and promotions.

See you there!


Pssst! I just added a 'follow by email' gadget to the top right of this blog, if you like what I write you can subscribe and be notified when I post a new blog! Blessings, Sarah xx

Saturday, 15 August 2015

5 Hopeful thoughts for someone with depression

Depression can consume a person. Hopelessness is one of the main emotions a depressed person is feeling. Thoughts and emotions of hopelessness seem so intertwined, we don't know where one ends, and they have us in an almost permanent negative spiral. I used to call it 'going under'.

With this is mind ~ and I have personal experience of years of depression with a very positive outcome ~ here are 5 hopeful thoughts for the future.

1) If your mind and emotions can create a negative spiral, a circle of negative thoughts, beliefs and emotions that seem to feed each other creating negative focus thus negative experiences ~ well your mind is a powerful tool, it isn't you ~ it is a tool to help us navigate this world, and to create.

So isn't it also possible that the mind and emotions can also be used to create the complete opposite? Is it possible that your mind could be used to think positive thoughts, that create positive emotions, that spur on more positive thoughts ~ creating positive focus on the world thus creating positive experiences ~ and it all working together symbiotically, in harmony? A positive spiral.

Even if you don't think this is possible for you right now, that is seems far away, isn't the positive spiral possible?

2) If this is the worst possible stage of your life, the worst you've ever felt ~ isn't is possible that things may slowly, slowly, slowly start to get a little bit better, even if just a tiny bit at a time, from now on? Is it possible there will be at least better moments than this?

3) If you have experienced or are experiencing hell, whether internally or externally ~ that is so far to the possible end of the spectrum of what is possible in this life ~ is it also possible that you can experience the other side of this before this life is through? You now have awareness of one side of the contrast, our world and perception is made up of contrast ~ isn't is possible that with this awareness you could, should experience the exact opposite? Haven't you paid the price of contrast?

4) We are in a depression epidemic. At least 350 million people in the world have depression alone. That is just the amount of people diagnosed and only a slice of the mental health issues we are currently facing. It is not just you. Society is very, very sick. We are in a mental health crisis that has never been seen or looked at as in depth before.

Big changes happen in times of crisis. Society will have to change to adapt ~ if you have depression I am sure you have realised that the set up we have here on earth at the moment is not one that promotes compassion, love, care, peace and support. The positive circle I talked about above ~ that needs to be created in society, in our world ~ a positive feedback loop for the human race.

Depression is not a personal weakness! It is a human condition that must be looked at, studied, analysed and then systems set in place at the root cause, before symptoms take place.

We are advanced in information technology but not in using our own minds, brains and bodies and creating harmony.

But...we are still evolving, we didn't just stop! As a race we are still learning, about ourselves! Our minds and consciousness, quantum physics, the unknown ~ this is what we have left to study.

We are growing at an exponential rate, never seen before and I am hopeful science will map the psyche to an extent ~ so we can be taught to take control of our own minds early on in life, that we promote our most basic positive human traits of love and peace and compassion and support and strength and inspiration ~ and exploit them for our own wellbeing. That we create places for learning this.

We are in an information age, huge amounts of tests and data is being collected. For the human race to expand and grow optimally, we will have to study what causes mental health issues ~ what we have to do to create a society that feeds the optimal human and creates positive feedback loops.

As a race at this time in history, we could choose how to evolve. Our societies at the moment promote greed, exploitation, self-loathing, fear, and ignorance ~ at the detriment to the human race. Most of the suffering in todays world, is humans at the hands of other humans.

I don't know what we will see in our lifetimes but as I'm getting better and better, I no longer have depression ~ I see a lot of good going on in the world now too, my focus has changed slightly.

I see a lot of philanthropy, a lot of individuals and group organisations taking it upon themselves, not the governments, to create change in the world. That gives me hope, I can glimpse how the future could be.

The fact that you have depression, like millions and millions of people in this world, means you are in your own way, contributing to what may be a positive outcome for the human race. We are all in this together. So many people can not suffer without the world learning from it.

Whilst this may seem like a bizarre, comforting and perhaps a little controversial, thought ~ remember how many people have suffered to get the human race this far? Our pain propels us forwards for great change: irradiating diseases, the end of the slave trade, clean water, hospitals...look at the technology we can provide now for people with disabilities. Take a look at the world 100 years ago and see what pain people went through to get where we are as the human of today. Mental pain must be looked at next, it is still relatively new really.

Do you think society should catch up?

5) How much do you think you have learnt about depression? In this day and age of information at your fingertips, it is likely you have studied the heck out of it. It is likely you, like me, have tried many things, read more articles than you've ever read about anything else. Without realising it, you are likely in an intense learning period of your life. You may never have before spent so much time trying to figure out 'you'. You have an awareness about how you think and feel that most people just take for granted.

Write down everything that you've studied and things you've tried over the last couple of years, what have you found out? There was nothing I didn't study or use as I tried to latch on to anything that sounded or felt like hope. What insights do you have about how we could help this condition?

Your experience and knowledge mean you can go on to help others. In the future, in your own way, you can ease another's pain with this experience and knowledge. You could help to create the change you wish to see in the world.

You can be an inspiration.

Blessings, Sarah xx

Hi everyone! Thank you for reading. I’m Sarah Cooper and my passions are in: Higher consciousness, self-love, personal growth, 'mind hacks', philosophy, addictions, mental-health, spirituality, Law of Attraction & emotional healing.

Through depression I experienced an ‘awakening’ that led me to explore spirituality, psychology and the metaphysical. I want to help other people through this painful process and open a retreat to bring people together on their healing journey.

I also create Gemstone ‘frequency’ jewellery for: The Law of Attraction, Chakra healing, Yoga, and Spiritual growth. Find out more here:

I showcase new designs on my Facebook page first and also do regular Giveaways and promotions.

See you there!


Pssst! I just added a 'follow by email' gadget to the top right of this blog, if you like what I write you can subscribe and be notified when I post a new blog! Blessings, Sarah xx

My Law of Attraction Story about how I created my business.

My Law of Attraction Story about how I created my business.

This was around May 2013, 2 years ago, and for about 18 months previous i'd had depression, anxiety, fatigue, stress and a nervous breakdown. I had been in such mental and emotional pain every waking minute, I hadn't known if it would ever stop.

So I'd just finished a Mindfulness course with some friends and it had given me hope, I felt a shift - I had hyper awareness because mindfulness connects you to your body and mind in such a positive way.

I knew I had a long way to go - but I truly believed that the journey of self-awareness and spiritual growth was going to be fascinating.

I'd discovered spirituality through philosophy and had started a meditation challenge on Facebook for 15 minutes a day - where we all shared our insights and stories in a group afterwards.

I knew I needed to earn a certain amount of money, and it would have to be from home, so that I could put my daughter - then a toddler, into a nursery 3 days a week.

I desperately needed this time to myself, so I could get some rest and heal.
I went ahead and put my daughter into the nursery anyway because I just didn't know how I would cope if I didn't.

I had some money on a credit card and I prayed I would find some other way of paying for this so I didn't have to resort to that.
On the way back from nursery I sat in my car outside my house and meditated for 15 minutes.

The meditation I was doing at the time was just 'mindfulness' meditation. A quick body scan and then allow thoughts to come and go with no attachment. I'd become quite obsessed with the 'gap between thoughts'. When I found this gap, the peace I experienced felt like I was flying.

That day when I found the space between thoughts I had this flash of inspiration. A download or a gift, whatever you want to call it. In literally an instant I saw virtually my entire business.

I saw the endless possibilities creating 'intentions' jewellery with Gemstones and how it could expand into so many other areas.

I was so excited. I can't even remember if I owned any Gemstones or beads. I just knew that I wanted to help people, in a way that was going to help me heal too.
I had to be involved in something that fascinated me.

I wanted to help heal and inspire - but I was still healing myself. I didn't want to teach yet anything I hadn't lived and breathed and 100% believed in.

But Crystals was a way of working with the energy that was already there. The meanings and purpose of these tools was ancient.

If I'd have ever allowed myself to look at the sheer amount of people selling Crystal jewellery on Facebook, it might have shattered my beliefs.

As it was I have always held the belief 'the universe has my back here. The universe WANTS me to do this!'

The idea came from somewhere else. Not only did that idea come from source energy/god/the universe - but every single design I have created came from the same place.

It comes in a flash and I never doubted I could sell it. My friend has seen me put together so many designs in literally about a minute, dragging all the Gems out and combining them together over and over again until I hold up a bracelet, like a mad woman and say 'this is it!".
"This is anti-anxiety" or "this is protection!" And "this is joy".

So...anyway shortly after I got this information in my car I designed my first piece with Gemstones.

I listed it on Etsy. Just that one piece.

And within 12 hours my phone cha-chinged.
When something sells on Etsy that's the noise it makes through the app on my phone.
And it had sold.

I couldn't stop smiling. I was sooo excited.

I meditated some more and in that gap between thoughts, I visualized the email notifications in my inbox saying 'payment notification' and I heard the cha-ching sound over and over and over again.

After this I have never struggled to sell at all.
I say I am blessed.

But even now when I have hundreds of orders, nothing was as exhilarating as that first sale.

I took it as a sign and I have had the most amazing success with my business.

During my healing, the success and pride and kind of work I was doing with Crystals boosted my self esteem incredibly. It propelled me forward to dream about the future in a big, big way.

I was chatting to a stranger the other day about The Law of Attraction and it turned out we were on similar paths of creating and personal growth - so I relayed my story. He was absolutely fascinated and was just like 'wow, I think you can have whatever you want, go for it'.

And I realised i'd never really shared this story with you guys. I mean I even create a Law of Attraction bracelet but I forgot to tell my story with it!

And I must thank every single one of you for being a part of this magical journey over the last couple of years.

Without your support I wouldn't have got better myself. I'm going to do amazing things in the world and help a lot of people, I've got some huge ideas and plans and a pretty grand vision.

And also you can know, that the designs for these bracelets comes from somewhere else, a higher place. I bless them and I charge them and I intuitively blend the Crystals together - but I honestly think the universe works through me and brings it all together.
I get told on an almost daily basis by customers that these designs work, that they feel such a huge relief when they wear them - and I don't promise anything because these bracelets are 'tools' that a person works with too.

I've never had to 'hard sell' and don't want to ever market in a way that induces core fears, in order to make people buy.

Intention is like this: I set an intention or desire for a creation, I blend the correct Gems together. The Crystals act as a catalyst for this intention. The receiver wears this and entrains with that desire.

That is backed up in Quantum Physics far more than I will probably ever be able to explain. But in this universe, what I am understanding more and more is that EVERYTHING is intention. And attention. And beliefs.

I hope you find my story inspiring!
Meditation is not boring! Haha.

And the Law of Attraction works!

Oh and I have had to ask the universe the stop sending me ideas for bracelets. Yes, the possibilities are endless and for that i'm truly grateful ~ but there are honestly only a certain amount of bracelets the world even needs! I couldn't even list them all ~ I've had to narrow them down and just do 4 collections ~ and apart from the odd limited edition item and custom design ~ I won't be creating any more. I have asked for a new outlet for creativity!

So...shall I start another group for 15 minutes a day meditation challenge?

Blessings to you all, much love
Sarah xx

Hi everyone! Thank you for reading. I’m Sarah Cooper and my passions are in: Higher consciousness, self-love, personal growth, 'mind hacks', philosophy, addictions, mental-health, spirituality, Law of Attraction & emotional healing.

Through depression I experienced an ‘awakening’ that led me to explore spirituality, psychology and the metaphysical. I want to help other people through this painful process and open a retreat to bring people together on their healing journey.

I also create Gemstone ‘frequency’ jewellery for: The Law of Attraction, Chakra healing, Yoga, and Spiritual growth. Find out more here:

I showcase new designs on my Facebook page first and also do regular Giveaways and promotions.

See you there!


Pssst! I just added a 'follow by email' gadget to the top right of this blog, if you like what I write you can subscribe and be notified when I post a new blog! Blessings, Sarah xx

Do you want to know what your life's purpose might be?

Want to know what your life's purpose could be?

What's the greatest adversity you've had to endure and overcome?

Help people to heal and alleviate their suffering of that same ordeal, somehow. If only just a little. You may know how to move through it faster. You can be an inspiration.

There are approximately 7 billion people in the world. What you have been through - others are going through right now. You can help. Even if you're not quite there yourself. You're slightly further ahead than someone else is right now.

In healing and teaching others, we heal ourselves even more.

Connect. We live in an age where in little to no time at all - you can create connection, with the people you need to. If you can't do it face to face - you can do it through the internet.

You might not be ready to help people in that way, you might still be healing yourself and the pain is still too much. When I first started to move through depression - I couldn't talk about it, for fear it would engulf me again and pull me under.

So I started the page 'Free Spirits and Hippies' and everyday I posted uplifting, inspiring pictures. Message of peace and love and happiness. Positive vibes only, on people's Facebook newsfeeds. That page boomed, it's got something like 35 thousand likes - people really dig those good vibrations - and it made me smile everyday.

Later I started to make Crystal jewellery, this had helped me - and in my own way, I could help other people. It also fed my addictive personality and obsessions - as I tried to get as many different types of Gemstones, for the same intention - onto one bracelet, in an attractive way!

But I still didn't talk about depression.

It's only now, that I feel so much better, safe in the knowledge that as i've learnt so much, I can never go back.

That I feel I can even start to discuss it.

Not really my own experience of it. But how I want to help others move through it, faster, and with more support.

With the attitude and goal of 'Wellness'.

I'm writing a book '101 ways to get out of depression' or something like that.

Because there's nothing that I didn't try. I have given everything a go. From Sensory deprivation tanks to buying every single tincture, vitamin and immune boosting, brain chemistry balancing product on the market.

I got qualified in Reiki and I learnt NLP. I read every self help book that's ever been written. I learnt yoga, meditation, mindfulness and the Law of Attraction.

I wanted to move into the Buddhist centre.

I did spells, synced myself to the moon, connected with my angels, studied Quantum Physics, had acupuncture and attended laughter yoga.

I RE-learnt the top 10 positive emotions and how to cultivate them. I learned to paint, I learned to sew.

I had massages, sat in saunas....I studied philosophy, psychology - inner child work and Jung's 'core-beliefs' - along with my personality type (Infj).

I came across The Chakra energy system and Crystals and absorbed everything to do with spirituality and personal growth.

I discovered I was a socialist.

I set up a business.

I tried medication. I tried becoming a runner.

There's at least 75 things I haven't mentioned.

I also had a toddler, chronic fatigue and an allergy to stress. I think I've learned most of this from bed.

I know my shit. I might not have depression any more but I know I'm definitely, obsessively nuts.

My future lies in helping stressed out people, families, mothers...with addictions and mental a way that promotes wellness.

And I'd never have known what I was really supposed to do with my life - If I hadn't been through the pain.

I believe we're here to help each other - because it furthers humanity and in a way this level of pain gives rise to cultivating so much compassion within our society - it may not look like it at the moment - but that's our job now! And this cycle of learning and teaching I see as essential for our evolution. It connects us.

We are all one! Blessings and good night! Sarah ♡

Hi everyone! Thank you for reading. I’m Sarah Cooper and my passions are in: Higher consciousness, self-love, personal growth, 'mind hacks', metaphysics, addictions, mental-health, spirituality & emotional healing.

Through depression I experienced an ‘awakening’ that led me to explore spirituality, psychology and the metaphysical. I want to help other people through this painful process and open a retreat to bring people together on their healing journey.

I also create Gemstone ‘frequency’ jewellery for: The Law of Attraction, Chakra healing, Yoga, and Spiritual growth. Find out more here:

I showcase new designs on my Facebook page first and also do regular Giveaways and promotions.

See you there!


Pssst! I just added a 'follow by email' gadget to the top right of this blog, if you like what I write you can subscribe and be notified when I post a new blog! Blessings, Sarah xx

The state of 'Flow'

What is the state of Flow?

No it isn't the 'time of the month'! Haha., anyway...

I watched a seminar video on 'Mindvalley Academy' recently where they described the 4 most common 'states' we experience in our lives.

The 1st state they describe is ~ No 1)

No 1)

We do not like our lives. In this particular and very common state.

We are unhappy in the 'now' - as in we hate the present moment, feel sort of trapped...
We have no vision of the future.

No dreams we are working towards, no hope it is going to get better for us.
We are lost and trapped at the same time.

This state feels like 'Depression'.

The No 2 state is)

We are content and quite happy in the 'now' life feels good, breezy and enjoyable.


We don't really have goals and dreams we are working towards.
Maybe short term goals such as holidays.

This is not a bad place to be at all, it's quite care-free - yet without long term goals for the future, this state can easily become quite stagnant and runs the risk for depression or depressive periods if things take a dive.

No 3 state)

In this state we have set goals for the future.

Huge dreams, a big vision of how we want life to be. The sharp contrast of depression may have caused us to imagine and desire a vibrant future.

Yet we actually don't really enjoy the 'now'. We long to be in the future where our perceived happiness is and we are living out our dreams.
This particular state feels like 'Stress'.

Without enjoying the 'now' we can never get to 'there'.

Without learning to enjoy the present moment and create happiness right now, we will only bring the stress and unhappiness into the future.

We can not line up with our dreams and no amount of time spent pushing towards them seems to bring us any closer. We are in a resistant state.

Lastly, the No 4 state)

We have long and short term dreams of the future.

A clear vision of how we want life to be and the kind of things we will be doing. There's a vivid mental picture of what we feel is our purpose and destiny.


We are enjoying the 'now'.
We are thoroughly loving our life right now.

This is the most desired state, the state of 'Flow'. We are in complete alignment and everything just comes together perfectly - with impeccable timing and synchronicity after synchronicity.

The people we need to connect with arrive, the ideas flow, everything is easy and enjoyable, things come together at lightening speed - everything just 'Flows'.
This is the optimal 'Law of attraction' state and there's no resistance.

Life is playful and joyful, we line up with our dreams.
THIS is the state we want to be in.

So what state would you say you were in right now in your life?
You've probably had experience of all 4 states.

I spent most of my earlier life in state no 2 - enjoying the 'now'. Yet without long term goals of my own, that contributed to about 3 years in state no 1 - depression.

This eventually gave rise to the sort of life I did want - and I dreamed huge giant dreams for every area of my life.

Yet for the past year or so I have been stuck in state no 3 really - stress in the 'now' for not being 'there' yet. Without fully realising why. I guess I knew I needed to enjoy the present moment much more - I did 2 mindfulness courses!

But I didn't realise JUST how important it was for my future.

Sometimes...We read an article, watch a video, speak to a friend, have a revelation....something just clicks and we see the bigger picture - or a different viewpoint - and things can change.

We make a little breakthrough.

Which is why i'm writing this and passing the information on, so it can help somebody else with their personal growth if they need it. We are truly in the sharing of information Age!

For me, I know what I need to do and it is not as easy as it sounds. It's probably my hardest lesson after having depression. I need to learn to 'play' again.

I need to learn how to let go and just trust, to throw myself into the 'now' and develop this as a new skill and habit - because i've completely forgotten how to do it - and that alone makes me feel a little bit sad.

You might have read my previous post on setting goals and affirmations in the form of, with that in mind I am asking my brain...Why is my life so much fun?

I will let you know how I get on! - Project fun! Haha.

To sum it up? To achieve the state of flow and optimal happiness ~ Dream for the future but do not forget to have fun in the now.

Or have fun in the now ~ but remember to dream and set goals/have purpose.

So what state are you in? 1, 2, 3 or 4? Or something else entirely?
Many blessings to you!
Sarah xx

Hi everyone! Thank you for reading. I’m Sarah Cooper and my passions are in: Higher consciousness, self-love, personal growth, 'mind hacks', metaphysics, addictions, mental-health, spirituality & emotional healing.

Through depression I experienced an ‘awakening’ that led me to explore spirituality, psychology and the metaphysical. I want to help other people through this painful process and open a retreat to bring people together on their healing journey.

I also create Gemstone ‘frequency’ jewellery for: The Law of Attraction, Chakra healing, Yoga, and Spiritual growth. Find out more here:

I showcase new designs on my Facebook page first and also do regular Giveaways and promotions.


See you there!


Pssst! I just added a 'follow by email' gadget to the top right of this blog, if you like what I write you can subscribe and be notified when I post a new blog! Blessings, Sarah xx