Why would I need to heal or balance my Root Chakra?
The Root Chakra, known as Muladhara in Sanskrit - is the red energy centre located at the base of the spine, pelvic area and is literally your Root - connecting you to mother earth.
This centre is unbalanced when we feel a lot of Fear, if we are scared a lot - especially in relation to our feelings of security and safety.
It is out of balance when we are feeling very disconnected from life, feeling lost, depressed, unsupported, lonely, and depleted or exhausted.
Feeling like this, we have lost a lot of faith in the ability of this life and this earth, to support us.
When activated and balanced - a healthy, balanced Root Chakra will have you feeling:
Protected, secure, safe, a sense of belonging, connection - to the earth and others, wealthy, grounded and confident, in good vitality, vibrant and physically energised.
Quick meditation
To activate and heal the Root Chakra close your eyes and visualise a stream of light from your Root, down through your legs and out through your feet.
Have it reach down into the earth below you and through the soil...imagine you are literally growing roots as they go deeper and deeper into the earth.
As they go deeper down into the earth they are stabilising you and providing the security, the energy, and connection.
Mother Earth sustains you and feeds you, like an child in the womb, she is nourishing you and providing protection.
Some useful Crystals for the Root Chakra
These are often Red, Dark red or Black/Brown:
Black Tourmaline
Tiger's eye
Red Jasper
Smoky Quartz
Root Chakra Symbol:
The Tree of Life
To release and heal (if applicable):
I release my fears
I release separation
I release feeling lost
I release depletion
I release exhaustion
I release hopelessness
I release loneliness
To activate and balance:
I know I belong
I have physical energy; I'm vibrant and healthy
I am safe
I am secure
I am protected
I have wealth and abundance
I am connected to this earth
And to all others
We are one
Nature is also a fabulous healer for the Root Chakra - time around animals and plant life, gardening, stones, water and fresh air no matter the weather will always lift, energise and help to heal.
There is much to learn from plant-life and trees - they are not in a state of stress or resistance, they are flexible and they adapt - yet marvel at the beauty, grace and strength of a redwood and all the life it supports on it's glorious journey.
When you are out in nature you can say "I allow myself to entrain with the pure positive energy of nature and life itself"
And allow the non-resistant, high vibration, pure energy of the plant-life, water, sun or air to lift you into it's higher frequency.
Another fabulous activity is 'earthing' - walking barefoot outside - on the grass, sand or stone - allowing the earth energy to come up through your bare feet, and fully feeling the ground beneath them, it brings a beautiful feeling of connection with the planet and life-force.
Blessings to you, Sarah
My Root Chakra Gemstone Bracelet design ~ Available here, for a limited time: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/214500514/i-am-safe-muladhara-root-or-earth-chakra?ref=shop_home_active_13
Hi everyone! Thank you for reading. I’m Sarah Cooper and my passions are in: Higher consciousness, self-love, personal growth, 'mind hacks', philosophy, addictions, mental-health, spirituality, Law of Attraction & emotional healing.
Through depression I experienced an ‘awakening’ that led me to explore spirituality, psychology and the metaphysical. I want to help other people through this painful process and open a retreat to bring people together on their healing journey.
I also create Gemstone ‘frequency’ jewellery for: The Law of Attraction, Chakra healing, Yoga, and Spiritual growth. Find out more here: www.lovebeyondthemoon.etsy.com
I showcase new designs on my Facebook page first www.facebook.com/lovebeyondthemoon and also do regular Giveaways and promotions.
See you there!
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