Friday, 7 August 2015

Always go where the peace is for you

Only you know what feels good for you. What feels right for you. Get to know yourself well so that you completely trust yourself and your own decision making abilities - even if you mess up!

Learn to mess up and then trust yourself to deal with it! Life is messy! It's not possible to go through life making perfect decisions and controlling every outcome. The contrast on our journey helps bring u...s closer to peace - and to how we can make ourselves happy. It's not a straight, perfect (boring) road - it's a wiggly squiggly bloomin labyrinth. 

 But no matter how chaotic it gets, remind yourself that this experience will allow you to choose another path soon, one that you know will feel good to you - and that is all you really can do, all you really have to do. Just keep making choices, just keep learning, just keep listening to your inner guidance system - just keep trusting that you can cope. You might think you can't cope, you might think you're not coping very well - that you're supposed to be coping like some sort of warrior or something! But looking back you'll realise that actually all you needed to do was live through it. You coped!

 Needing validation from others about what we are doing messes with our intuition - our inner knowing and guidance. And whilst others can be well meaning, they will give you their opinion of what feels right for them, their perception of what would be good for you - their beliefs and values - which may not be anything like yours!

Consult yourself first and often. Take on board advice from others that you resonate with, say thank you but put down anything that you don't. You will know if it is something you don't need - because it won't feel good to you.

Trust yourself, you know what will bring you peace.


Hi everyone! Thank you for reading. I’m Sarah Cooper and my passions are in: Wellbeing, art, travel & emotional healing.

Through depression I experienced an ‘awakening’ that led me to explore spirituality, psychology and the metaphysical. I want to help other people through this painful process and eventuality open a retreat to bring people together on their healing journey.
I also create Gemstone ‘frequency’ jewellery for: The Law of Attraction, Chakra healing, Yoga, and Spiritual growth. Find out more here:
I showcase new designs on my Facebook page first and also do regular Giveaways and promotions.
See you there!

Pssst! I just added a 'follow by email' gadget to the top right of this blog, if you like what I write you can subscribe and be notified when I post a new blog! Blessings, Sarah xx

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