Are you experiencing effects from Fridays full (blue) moon?
The full moon on July 31st marks a shift in manifestation ~ in releasing and dropping resistance, gaining clarity and synchronization.
Sometimes things feel like they are happening 'again' and we are back in the same place, experiencing the same traumas and playing out the same patterns ~ when in fact, we are being presented with opport...unities to break that pattern and choose a different path. It may not happen the first time, it may not happen fully the second time ~ but each time things occur ~ friendships, relationships, situations...that lead you to believe 'oh oh, I'm here again ~ I MUST be attracting this'!
Then try to think about it from this perspective ~ maybe you ARE attracting it ~ but not for the reasons you might think. What if you're attracting this so you can heal it?
Be brave enough to sit with your feelings and your fears, without wishing them to be different. Don't push them away, allow them fully. Cry if you need to, crying is a fantastic release whilst still allowing yourself to feel! When you feel uncomfortable feelings say these words to yourself 'I am completely here with you now, I will not abandon you' the trick is not to run from yourself, or the way you feel. Just breathe and allow integration. Once you reintegrate these emotions and stop running ~ then the situation itself will fall away, people and events that were unwanted will cease to show up in your life and dreams/wishes/desires can manifest without the resistance.
Always allow your feelings, the good and bad, the uncomfortable and the bliss ~ the pain and the beauty. Sit with them and breathe ~ you can also ask them what are they telling you? What do you need to know? All are welcome, because all our here to teach us about this life. What we have done in childhood and with anything painful and traumatic ~ is to refuse to feel our negative emotions ~ we bury them deep in our subconscious and we run, whatever feels 'bad' isn't wanted. But as we discover as adults ~ these emotions and situations occur over and over again and we don't understand why we keep experiencing the same pain and frustration.
You can think of your painful and uncomfortable/unwanted feelings as a small child. This helps to give us a protector viewpoint with more understanding. This child is abandoned and needs to reintegrate with you. Welcome her in, sit with her, comfort her and ask her what she needs. Give her whatever she needs to feel better ~ then tell her she can stay as long as she needs to. She is home now, she is part of you.
And the minute we do this? The shift occurs ~ there is harmony with our emotions and we aren't scared of them anymore. We drop the resistance and emotional baggage we have been carrying ~ and the things we really want to manifest ~ CAN!
If you feel particularly emotional around the time of a full moon, then I want you to get very excited! This doesn't mean you are failing in creating your own reality (we are often told we must maintain a high vibration and positive emotions constantly ~ and tells us NOTHING of healing) ~ because (our perceived) negative emotions are here to helps us shift! Welcome them, they can take you far, far further on this journey ~ and teach you so much more ~ than constantly pretending to feel joy!
Be brave and sit with your emotions, it is so worth it.
Much love everyone, blessings!
Sarah xx
Hi everyone! Thank you for reading. I’m Sarah Cooper and my passions are in: Higher consciousness, self-love, personal growth, 'mind hacks', metaphysics, addictions, mental-health, spirituality & emotional healing.
Through depression I experienced an ‘awakening’ that led me to explore spirituality, psychology and the metaphysical. I want to help other people through this painful process and eventuality open a retreat to bring people together on their healing journey.
I also create Gemstone ‘frequency’ jewellery for: The Law of Attraction, Chakra healing, Yoga, and Spiritual growth. Find out more here:
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Pssst! I just added a 'follow by email' gadget to the top right of this blog, if you like what I write you can subscribe and be notified when I post a new blog! Blessings, Sarah xx
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