What really matters is not how another perceives you - but how you view yourself.
These are a few common (negative) core beliefs we hold about ourselves as women 'I am not enough', 'I am alone' or 'I will be alone' and 'I am unlovable/unworthy'. Another - 'I am bad'. These beliefs usually started in childhood, they are the subliminal messages we received when we weren't loved, accepted and celebrated for who we are.
(See my blog post on how to find your core beliefs)
We carry them into all our relationships, interactions and decisions. We run either towards things that help us escape the feeling - or away from things that trigger those painful feelings.
Basically moving away from pain towards pleasure. Moving from (internal) fear - to what we perceive as love (external). Many of us have more fear activated in us than love and so we look for love outside. We are carrying around beliefs that we are 'not worthy'.
The society we live in feeds on these fears and beliefs. Why? Because people who are fearful and have low self esteem are easily manipulated. Shame, guilt and unworthiness can be triggered over and over again. They can be controlled. With money, with time, with how you should live your one precious life and what you should deem as important. The media push fear, the governments push fear, retail companies push fear. Why? Because they have an agenda. They want you to co-operate, to conform - to agree with them - or to buy something.
It is done so subtly these days that we can't usually see how innocently selling a product we supposedly need can trigger the belief 'I am not enough' but if you look at advertisements years ago they virtually went straight in for the kill with these messages.
These days the message isn't coming from one source - it is coming from multiple. Many people I know who are awake do not watch tv, listen to the radio or read magazines. Not because they're ignorant but because they're working on self-love, healing and awareness - and they do not need 'triggering' over and over again - and they can 'feel' the hidden messages aimed at them.
The core beliefs 'I am alone' or 'I am unlovable' actually equates to death. Or a 'fear of death'. Whilst it all seems innocent, if you follow the trail - all 'beauty' products and a lot of brands actually play on our primal survival instincts. No love? = death. Buy this, buy that - then you'll look like this and feel like that. Now you are beautiful, someone will love you, now you are worthy, now you are 'good'.
The system is so complex and vast. The changes we need to make to society really must come from the inside. Build your own self-esteem, learn self-love - and you will have less chance of being manipulated. Fear puts a filter over your reality and experience here.
It is also vital we teach our children that validation and acceptance come from within, from an early age. We can stop the likelihood of them having self-esteem issues (and thus being a target for outside manipulation in the future) by helping them carry the opposite beliefs.
'I am enough'
'I am perfect just the way that I am, I have nothing to prove'
'I am so lovable, just for being me'
'I am never alone because I have god/source/the universe with me always - and it is on my side'
'I am supported'
'I have people I can totally trust'
'I trust myself and my own intuition'
'I am beautiful, without doing a single thing'
'I am worthy'
'I am worth spending time with'
'I have ideas worth listening to'
'I like/love myself'
'I enjoy my own company'
'I am a powerful creator'
You may have many more you want to help instil either in yourself or your children. It starts with love, full trust and acceptance. It's important we teach our children to 'look within' for the answers about what feels right. To teach them self-awareness and early emotional intuition, emotional maturity and responsibility.
And if we didn't get that in childhood this is where our work lies now, to teach ourselves this.
When we have succeeded in building our self esteem, self-love, self-acceptance and self-awareness - then we will not be manipulated by outside influences - and many systems will just fall away.
Then we've got to look at what breeds the kind of narcissistic, self-serving, sociopaths we seem to be letting have power over decisions in our world. Pride, power, ignorance and greed, along with a lack of compassion and empathy are definitely at play there. Why?
Hi everyone! Thank you for reading. I’m Sarah Cooper and my passions are in: Higher consciousness, self-love, personal growth, 'mind hacks', metaphysics, addictions, mental-health, spirituality & emotional healing.
Through depression I experienced an ‘awakening’ that led me to explore spirituality, psychology and the metaphysical. I want to help other people through this painful process and eventuality open a retreat to bring people together on their healing journey.
I also create Gemstone ‘frequency’ jewellery for: The Law of Attraction, Chakra healing, Yoga, and Spiritual growth. Find out more here: www.lovebeyondthemoon.etsy.com
I showcase new designs on my Facebook page first www.facebook.com/lovebeyondthemoon and also do regular Giveaways and promotions.
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